CMYK - A world of Colour - Lovers Wall, Verona

On a trip to Verona, Italy a few years ago I visited the most famous landmark in the city, the ‘Casa Di Giulietta’, the house said to be Juliet's house is in a courtyard off Via Capello.

Alongside the Casa Di Giulietta is the ‘Lovers wall’ in which couples place their messages of love on thousands of multi-coloured post-it notes and pieces of paper and stick them to the wall. (Not in the most hygienic of ways; using chewing gum!)

This graffiti covered wall is now considered a work of popular art, but today people are only allowed to write on removable panels, which are changed twice a year. These removable panels are to be displayed in a museum after they are removed.

Did I leave a note? Now that would be telling. - adding a little colour to your life

